Sault Ste. Marie has a strong history of clinical teaching as part of a collaboration agreement with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM). The undergraduate program hosts eight third year students during the comprehensive community clerkship (CCC) annually. The postgraduate program holds four Family Medicine, one Psychiatry and one Family Medicine Anesthesia residency positions in CaRMS. Sault Ste. Marie also hosts many program and elective placements for learners from medical schools both in and out of country in undergraduate and postgraduate family medicine and specialty programs. It is common to have an average of twenty-five learners on site at all times.
Physicians in Sault Ste. Marie have an opportunity to obtain a NOSM faculty appointment and join membership of our Local Education Group, Sault Ste. Marie Academic Medical Association (SSM AMA), funded by the Physician Clinical Teacher’s Association (PCTA). These opportunities allow for clinical teaching, preceptor payments, faculty and academic development, and research support.
The amazing preceptor involvement is the key to the success of the clinical teaching program in Sault Ste. Marie. Rotations are often learner-based including one on one teaching but also providing many opportunities for residents to teach medical students participating in the Clerkship or Summer Studentship Programs.
Completing a rotation or residency in Sault Ste. Marie is a great way to experience the medical community and culture as well as the community amenities and recreational opportunities to determine if it is a fit for a long term career location.
"As learners in SSM, we had the opportunity to work with fantastic physicians, nurses and allied health providers in many diverse settings. We were treated as valued members of the team. Our learning needs were continually assessed and reassessed to ensure we were gaining knowledge and skills in all settings. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to learn and work here and hope to return in the future!" NOSM 3rd year clerk
The Physician Recruitment and Retention Program hosts several social learner events throughout the year including kayaking, golf day, ski day, snowshoe and hiking trips.
Educational Opportunities
Electives Information
Sault Ste. Marie is an elective site with the Northern Ontario Electives Program (NEP) which is administered by the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM). The program provides a variety of high quality rural, remote, and small urban clinical learning opportunities in Northern Ontario. It is designed for undergraduate medical students and postgraduate residents from both family medicine and specialty programs.
Additional information and application for the NEP can be obtained at

Interested applicants may contact:
Ian Espeut, Coordinator
Physician Recruitment/NOSM
Tel : 1-705-759-3725
Fax : 1-705-256-3466