Community Requirements

In addition to the federal eligibility criteria, applicants for the RNIP program will be assessed on their intention to live and work in Sault Ste. Marie* after they have received their permanent residence.

We will prioritize candidates for recommendation using a point-based system. An applicant’s score helps us determine the likelihood that an applicant (and their companions) will be able to:

  • Contribute to an urgent or emerging need in the local economy
  • Build strong relationships with  community members
  • Enjoy the unique lifestyle and cultural offerings found in Sault Ste. Marie

We believe that applicants with high scores have a better chance of integrating into community life and staying in Sault Ste. Marie for the long-term.


WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FROM THE FOOD SECTOR AS OF JULY 1, 2022. This TEER will reopen end of each quarter to a maximum of 5. 

  • 62020 – Food service supervisors
  • 60030 – Restaurant and food service managers



At the moment, applicants will need to achieve a total score of 70 or above to be considered for recommendation based on the following requirements:

1. The applicant has received a job offer for a job in one of the priority NOC groups (+55 points):

  • 10 – Specialized middle management occupations in administrative services, financial and business services and communication (except broadcasting)
  • 20 – Specialized middle management occupations in engineering, architecture, science and information systems
  • 30 – Specialized middle management occupations in healthcare
  • 40 – Managers in public administration, education and social and community services and in public protection services
  • 70 – Middle management occupations in trades and transportation
  • 80 – Middle management occupations in production and agriculture
  • 90 – Middle management occupations in manufacturing and utilities
  • 11 – Professional occupations in finance and business
  • 21 – Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
  • 31 – Professional occupations in health
  • 41 – Professional occupations in law, education, social, community and government services
  • 51 – Professional occupations in art and culture
  • 12 – Administrative and financial supervisors and specialized administrative occupations
  • 22 – Technical occupations related to natural and applied sciences
  • 32 – Technical occupations in health
  • 42 – Front-line public protection services and paraprofessional occupations in legal, social, community, education services
  • 52 – Technical occupations in art, culture and sport
  • 72 – Technical trades and transportation officers and controllers
  • 82 – Supervisors in natural resources, agriculture and related production
  • 92 – Processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and utilities operators and controllers
  • 13 – Administrative occupations and transportation logistics occupations
  • 33 – Assisting occupations in support of health services
  • 43 – Assisting occupations in education and in legal and public protection
  • 53 – Occupations in art, culture and sport
  • 73 – General trades
  • 83 – Occupations in natural resources and related production
  • 93 – Central control and process operators and aircraft assembly assemblers and inspectors
  • 14 – Administrative and financial support and supply chain logistics occupations
  • 44 – Care providers and public protection support occupations
  • 54 – Support occupations in sport
  • 74 – Mail and message distribution, other transport equipment operators and related maintenance workers
  • 84 – Workers in natural resources, agriculture and related production
  • 94 – Machine operators, assemblers and inspectors in processing, manufacturing and printing
  • 45 – Student monitors, crossing guards and related occupations
  • 55 – Support occupations in art and culture
  • 75 – Helpers and laborers and other transport drivers, operators and laborers
  • 85 – Harvesting, landscaping and natural resources laborers
  • 95 – Laborers in processing, manufacturing and utilities

Note: Applicants with a job offer not listed above will be considered only at the discretion of the Community Recommendation Committee. 

2. The applicant’s age on the day the application is received:

  • 18 to 36 (+6 points)
  • 37 to 47 (+3 points)
  • 48 and over (+2 points)

3. The applicant has work experience in one of the priority NOC groups listed above:

  • 2 years      (+2 points)
  • 3 years      (+4 points)
  • 4 years      (+6 points)
  • 5 years      (+8 points)
  • 6+ years    (+10 points)

BONUS: Applicant has at least one year of continuous full-time work experience in Sault Ste. Marie within the past five years. (+8 points)

4. The applicant has studied at a post-secondary institution in Sault Ste. Marie:

  • 2+ years within the past 5 years (+6 points)
  • 1 year within the past 5 years (+3 points)

5. The applicant is already a resident of the community:

  • The candidate owns property within the boundaries of Sault Ste. Marie and resides in that property at the time of application (+8 points)
  • The candidate leases property within the boundaries of Sault Ste. Marie and resides in that property at the time of application (+4 points)

Important: Applicant may be asked to provide a mortgage statement or letter from the bank to demonstrate ownership.

6. The applicant has personal ties to established members of the community:

  • Applicant has an immediate family member (parent, sibling, child) who is a permanent resident or Canadian citizen that has been living within the boundaries of Sault Ste. Marie for a minimum of one year. (+10 points)
  • Applicant has an extended family member (grandparent, uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, or nephew), a friend, or a representative of an established community organization who is a permanent resident or Canadian citizen that has been living within the boundaries of Sault Ste. Marie for a minimum of one year. (+5 points)

Important: applicants will be asked to demonstrate proof of their relationship by submitting a letter of support, stating the nature and length of their relationship, signed by the community member they have identified as their connection to the community. NOTE: applicants may not submit more than 1 letter of reference with their application.

For applicants who have never lived in Sault Ste. Marie before applying:

7. The applicant has visited Sault Ste. Marie for at least 5 nights within the past three years and met with at least 2 employers in their line of work during their visit (+8 points)

Important:  The Community Recommendation Committee may request receipts from hotel stays and contact information for the employers that you met with during your visit.

8. The applicant has authentic knowledge of and interest in a recreational, cultural, or lifestyle activity found in Sault Ste. Marie. (+5 points).

For applicants with a spouse or common-law partner

9. The applicant’s spouse or common law partner has a valid job offer for a job in one of the priority NOC groups identified above. (+10 points)


The applicant’s spouse or common-law partner has at least two years of work experience (full-time and continuous) within a priority NOC group. (+5 points)

10. The applicant’s spouse or common-law partner has English or French language skills that exceed CLB/NCLC 5 in all categories. (+5 points)

Important: Applicant must submit spouse or common law partner's results from a designated language test, which must be less than 2 years old when you apply.

*refers to the area within the boundaries of Sault Ste. Marie as defined by the Ministerial instructions.

Move your skills north.